Monday, March 10, 2014

Fifteen Minutes of Fame?

When I commented this morning that I felt like a celebrity because I was the guest on Debra Goldstein's blog today, a friend cautioned "Be careful, fame is fleeting." Of course he was right, but I'm happy with even a few minutes (probably less than fifteen minutes) of far less attention than fame.

It has been my good fortune to have opportunities in recent years to get to know authors, not just through their books, but in workshops and conferences. One of the surprises has been how generous most of them are in encouraging those of us who are hoping to join their ranks. Debra Goldstein is one such author. I am honored to guest blog for her today. I hope you'll check out and get to know her and her work. And while you are there perhaps read my offering today.

1 comment:

  1. has been a joy getting to know you and your writings. Thank you for the kind words about my work and for your wonderful blog, "Enticing the Muse."
